Tullahoma High School
Class Of 1982
THS1982 ALUM 60th Birthday Party was a Blast!!!
Thanks to all of you who joined us for the THS Class of 82 60th Birthday Bash at Frazier McEwen Big Springs Park on Saturday, July 27, 2024! We apologize to those who missed the picture. Those who took additional pics, please share them by emailing them to THS1982.
A special thanks also to all those who donated so generously at the end, to help us cover the shortfall on the Bouchard Burgers Food Truck. We ended up having to write a "Class Check" for only $9.00. Thanks again!
In preparation for future reunions (2027--only two more years), we will continue to accept donations, in the form of Venmo, cash/personal checks (payable to THS1982 Reunion and with ZERO processing fee), and may be sent to the following address:
THS1982 Reunion
Mike Morrow, Treasurer
309 Heights Ave
Tullahoma, TN 37388
A Venmo account (@THS1982) has also been created to accept donations as well. Venmo your donation to our reunion account @THS1982 or donate through this website (top right of this page). Venmo is preferred e-payment, as this website (Class Creator), takes a larger transaction fee out of your donation amount. Note: you must have a Venmo account to use Venmo to make a payment.
Please consider making a donation. Lots of small donations have made a huge difference!
S T A Y I N T O U C H!!!
Help us to locate, reach out and contact all of our classmates. Continue to spread the word about upcoming class reunions and all of our forms of communications... word of mouth; this website (www.THS1982.com); Facebook (Tullahoma High School Class of 1982) & Twitter (@THS1982Alumni).
Send an email to THS1982alumni@gmail.com if you have any questions or change your address or any other contact information.
Your THS 1982 Class Officers
Stan Welch | Patrick Prosser | Mike Bivins | Mike Morrow
40 Years Later at the Reunion...